Azure Data & Analytics, ArchiMate and Sparx Enterprise Architect: a powerful combination
By Yorrick Tillemans Nederlandse Spoorwegen (Dutch Railways) | Bert Dingemans EAxpertise
In this session Bert and Yorrick will discuss the approach of the Dutch Railways for architectural modelling of a complex Azure landscape. We show examples of our ArchiMate viewpoints and views, demonstrate how we configured Sparx Enterprise Architect and indicate what our lessons learned are. With this we think we can give you an insight into the opportunities and challenges of the combination ArchiMate, Azure for Data and Analytics, Sparx Enterprise Architect and secure infrastructure.
Session Recording
Questions and Answers
Are you referring to data model or solution to load the OV-chip data into the data platform
We use Check-in/out (CICO) data to monitor how many people are "in the system" (checked-in), monitoring peaks at checks-ins (crowed management at station close to events). Futhermore we use CICO to measure if punctuality of the made train journeys (did the check at departure station and check-out at arrival station match the trainplan at T-x)
We are now making a model based on check-ins to predict where people are going and thus with train they will take (how busy will that train be). This will be used to advise the passenger via app to take the planned train or an alternative train/route to avoid busy trains (also based on set preferences in app -- covid)
Applications: at this moment CICO data is centralized on a Enetrprise Servive Bus. We as Data & AI consume from ESB and transfer data to EventHubs in Azure. From EventHub we capture data to azure storage for BI (batch) and proces realtime
We use Check-in/out (CICO) data to monitor how many people are "in the system" (checked-in), monitoring peaks at checks-ins (crowed management at station close to events). Futhermore we use CICO to measure if punctuality of the made train journeys (did the check at departure station and check-out at arrival station match the trainplan at T-x)
We are now making a model based on check-ins to predict where people are going and thus with train they will take (how busy will that train be). This will be used to advise the passenger via app to take the planned train or an alternative train/route to avoid busy trains (also based on set preferences in app -- covid)
Applications: at this moment CICO data is centralized on a Enetrprise Servive Bus. We as Data & AI consume from ESB and transfer data to EventHubs in Azure. From EventHub we capture data to azure storage for BI (batch) and proces realtime
Are you refering to the session of Bert yesterday (simulate data models in EA). If so, no - we do not apply this (yet...)
Speakers Bio

Yorrick Tillemans
Nederlandse Spoorwegen (Dutch Railways)
Lead solution architect at the Dutch Railways (NS). He is involved in everything that has to do with data warehouses, real-time analytics, network security and integrations withinNS. Because of his enthusiasm and knowledge about Microsoft Azure, he not only knows how to make solid (ArchiMate) designs about this, but also how to create support. He uses Sparx Enterprise Architect as a modelling environment. Outside NS, Yorrick advises other organizations and is available for quality assurance reviews.

Bert Dingemans
Bert is an independent Data Architect based in the Netherlands who is using Enterprise Architect for all his modelling activities. Therefore he maintains two open source addons the Integrated Data Entity Architecture helper and the Web Publication Platform. He participates in