ISO/TC 211 have used UML for the development and implementation of standards since 1998.
By Knut Jetlund Statens vegvesen
ISO/TC 211 have used UML for the development and implementation of standards since 1998.
Session Recording
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Questions and Answers
As I said in the presentation, we are only using a small portion of UML and related languages: Class diagrams and package diagrams. For some standards that focus more on systems, processes and services, I am sure we could take advantage of other parts of UML and of related languages such as SysML and BPMN.
Speaker Bio

Knut Jetlund
Statens vegvesen
I have a PhD in Geomatics and act as convenor of the ISO/TC 211 Harmonized Model Maintenance Group, with responsibility for all UML models and derived resources for implementation.